Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Jason and his Tigers beat MLK last evening in our home gym by 9. We were up the whole game however at halftime it was only by 1. I for sure was on the edge of my seat. This means that the Tigers are in the state playoffs. This is a first time for Jason as the head coach of the Marshall County Tigers. He goes on Saturday to draw for who and when we play. We will either play Wed 3-17 in the evening or Thurs 3-18 in the day. We will have to win to advance to the next game which will be held on Fri 3-19 and then win that to make it to the championship game held on Sat 3-20. My fingers are crossed that he will draw a team out of East Tennessee instead of Memphis. I am so proud and excited for Jason and the Tigers. I had tears in my eyes when the buzzer went off as I knew at that moment my husbands dream was a reality to him. Jason has turned the basketball program at MCHS around and has been able to advance one step further every year he has been here. I am so lucky to have such an amazing partner in my life and cherish the moment when with 50 seconds left to play he turned around to the stands to find me and say I love you! I love that Jason does that to the games that Cater and I go to or when I am not at the game and have to listen to it on the radio and Jason always gives a shout out to me. He never thinks of just himself. Jason, Cater and I are so proud of you and are so blessed to be a part of this amazing experience. We are your biggest fans and can't wait to cheer you and the Tigers on at MTSU next week. I love you more than words can say and thank God everyday for bringing us together that August night in Destin!


Team Seghs said...

Congratulations!! What an achievement : ) Well done

Unknown said...

jess this just made me get teared up! i love how proud you are of your hubby and i love how he turns around and does that at the games. how sweet. love your family and this page!!!! please just leave cater with me for a whole weekend!!!