Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bye Bye Bottle!

4-24 was a big day for Miss Cater. She had her last bottle. We had been down to one bottle at night for about 2 weeks and she was drinking milk from a cup all day. I spent the whole day with my wonderful friend Brandy shopping, having lunch and seeing a movie. I was not sure I would make it back in time for bedtime routine however I did and even though I had given her bottle the night before and it was Jason's turn he wanted me to do it. Wonderful husband. And yes I wanted to cry because Jason is so selfless and because Cater is getting so big. A few weeks ago she took her brush from me and started brushing her own hair. Who did she get so big?

Last bottle (excuse me and how I look I was caught in the rain more than one time this day)

The other day while Cater was eating lunch she was doing so with her hand in the air! Funny Girl!!

Cater fell asleep in the car holding a balloon Jason bought her!

Cater loves to wave bye bye at the back door!

1 comment:

Team Seghs said...

WOW! its been a while since i've seen her picture. shes so big and grown. so many wild times ahead : ) bye bye bottle!! good job little girl